Let's Talk About the New Design for the Quirk System

Gladiator Guild Manager

A strategic autobattler sim where you build a team of gladiators, compete in arenas, plan fight tactics, and form alliances. Combine fighters, beasts, and mages, develop and equip them to optimize your well-oiled fighting machine, dominate the championships, and leave your mark on the world.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36651033/4c15a4f6a0cb25920046de6fc3dd92b8e877da06.png[/img] We are working on redesigning the Unit Info panel and how Quirks work. We want to share our plans and ideas and to ask for your feedback. We thought of some ideas that we believe will improve the game for both more customization and overall more enjoyment, and to solve a few issues the current design has. The thing about Quirks is that we designed them to be a passive thing on units, sometimes negative, sometimes positive. Just something to make units a little different and unique. But they ended up being essential to building a good team. They are so essential that players would rarely even bother buying units unless they had great Quirks. What led to countless refreshing of the shop in search for the right units. It often ended up in spending thousands of gold and sometimes not even finding a satisfying unit. We thought of some solutions, like hiring a scout that would find specific units with high-quality Quirks, but it all felt like patching up something that could be designed better from the start. So, we thought of treating Quirks as upgrades on units. Almost like passive abilities. We’re thinking of renaming them to Traits as they would always be positive and serve to improve units. This is how it would work: At the start, each unit would have one tier 1 Trait. All Traits would be separated into 4 tiers based on how powerful they are. Then, at levels 6, 12, and 18, each unit can learn another Trait until they have the maximum of 4 Traits. When you level up the unit to one of those levels (6, 12, 18), you can choose the Trait of that specific tier that you want to teach them. We’d also have a new guild building that is related to Traits. Upgrading this building would unlock new Traits to the list that can be learned. And each upgrade would require reaching a certain championship arena as well as resources (wood, iron, and stone). So, as you progress through the game, you’re getting more options. In shop units would either already have some Traits on them, or they would have empty slots where you can select the Traits yourself. For example, level 12 units might have the first Trait already set, and two empty slots. Or maybe 2, or all 3 are already set. Units with empty slots would be more expensive. So, it will still be worth checking the shop and finding units with Traits that are a good fit for that unit, but if you can afford a unit with empty Trait slots you can craft the unit exactly to your liking. We also redesigned the Unit Info Panel to be clearer and to fit the new design. This is how it looks at the moment: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36651033/3ad8546fdbebd335db2327bbdff3b77c4c5d2a2a.png[/img] In addition to this mechanic, we’d also introduce an option to upgrade Traits. Our current idea is that there are global Trait upgrade points that you can spend on any unit. And you would get those points by finishing arena championships or reaching new reputation levels. Now, we have two ideas of doing the upgrades and would love to hear which one you like more. Since you have 4 tiers of Traits, upgrading a Tier 4 Trait like “Healthy and Powerful” is not the same as upgrading a Tier 1 Trait like “Glass Cannon”. We can either make upgrades of lower-level Traits have a bigger improvement effect, making those low-level Traits a lot more powerful after upgrading. Or we can have them all increase in power proportionally, but to upgrade a higher tier Trait it would cost more points. We are leaning towards the second design choice, as this way it would feel really good when you manage to upgrade a Tier 4 Trait into something amazing. And we don't have to make those upgrades less effective than lower tier upgrades. This way, it would also make sense to give more Trait upgrading points for completing higher-level arenas. For example, finishing the first arena (Graveyard) would give 2 Trait upgrading points, while finishing arena 6 (Iron Mountain) would give 5 or more points. But let us know what you think. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36651033/f88977102c76154c1a3bb33be098dabd5b284a99.png[/img] Upgraded Traits would increase the power of the Trait and, in some cases, even add functionality if needed. For example, a Trait like "Dragon Blood," which makes units immune to fire, has no way of becoming better unless we add another functionality. In this case, upgrading it once would also make the unit immune to frost, and upgrading it to the maximum level 3 would make the unit immune to poison as well. While other Traits that provide stats would usually just improve those stats. For instance, "Healthy and Powerful" would give more main stat points for each level of health simply making it better at what it already does. For Tournament mode, we’d adapt this design so you get Trait points each time you finish a boss battle every 2 rounds instead of at the end of each championship. [h2]Conclusion[/h2] We feel that this design will allow more customization and make the game more fun. It will provide a nice additional thing to upgrade, making unit leveling feel more rewarding as you’re aiming to reach each new 6 levels and increase the power of that unit. It would solve the endless shop refreshing to search for units. It would solve the issue of the beginning units needing replacement as you go through the game because your beginner units usually don’t have as many great Traits. And it would make finishing each arena championship more rewarding as you know that after winning them, you get to make your units more powerful in an interesting way. We’d love to hear your opinion and feedback about these changes. Write us here in comments or join us on [url=https://discord.gg/J7Ja2cK]Discord[/url]. Also, we're thinking of adding another group of new Traits (Quirks) together with this update. If you have any ideas for new ones, we'd love to hear them. Thank you! -Entertainment Forge