Let Me Out - Patch 1.0.1

Let Me Out

Play as Alvin, a 10-year-old indigo child, in search of his mother and escape Mata Koetjhing, an ancient Javanese village. Get help from your little sister’s spirit, your pet spider and brew potions to exorcize mysterious creatures.

[b]Fixed[/b] [list] [*] Fixed Dad Journal Bug when the player gets a new page, the page sometimes doubles or even disappears from inventory. [*] Fixed Sometimes players can't switch character to spider (poko) [*] Fixed Begu AI Stuck when walking through obstacles [*] Fixed Camera glitch when switching character to spider (poko) [*] Fixed Item inventory not being reset when finishing credits and creating a new story slot [/list] [b]Adjustment[/b] [list] [*] Decrease Alarm Audio SFX volume when interact dialogue mode [*] Remove the Doppler Effect on alarm audio that causes annoying sounds [*] Change radio sound effect [/list]