Less Fish and Gun Aim Fix

Body. Electric.

***Early Access*** A third Person Roleplaying Adventure game set in the not-so-distant future that contains puzzles, flying cars, robot warfare, upgradeable weapons and exploration. Early Access Purchase includes full game when it becomes available.

[img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/2140460/ss_e1447499af77518006526b1eb3b69ad9ba5c55fa.600x338.jpg?t=1692652202[/img] Fish - less of them AND less of them hanging around causing trouble and more swimmy-swimmy Guns - Fixed the aim and Hand placement (still working on the hit values for each one) Added some FX to the Jet Fixed some initial Gamma Problems Switched skill points to a more reasonable number Changed default settings for new players Tab - Lets you Parkour over objects https://www.bodyelectricseries.com/