Last update of 2022! New Beta Backer Build! - December Kickstarter Update

[h1]Hello Doppelgangers!!!! YOYOYOYOYOOOOO[/h1] It's been a while since we last spoke but rest assured that the whole Moonana team have been hard at work during this period of silence. In August the team attended Bitsummit in Kyoto, Japan and I went to Gamescom in Cologne, Germany for my first international trip on my own! And then, in October, Keylocker was shown for the first time in Portuguese in Sao Paulo, Brazil during Brazil Game Show. That was my goodbyes to Brazil, as I'm currently residing in England where I saw snow for the first time ever, a great milestone in this long lived life of mine. I can say I have acclimatized quickly enough and now complain about the rain and cold every day, like a true native. [img][/img] In terms of work, me and the team have been polishing up the first two areas of the game for our Beta Backers to playtest and I can happily say that it's finally time for you guys to get your hands on a new build with some new content! This content is in between the period of time where Bobo is kidnapped by that guy in a flying Shedu, which was cut content for the demo we had during the Kickstarter. Now you get to experience and understand a little more of the story behind everything! Not only that, of course, we have also been working on the area right after the first, and will be having another beta backer build with that content at about 15th of January, which includes the first big bossfight (Elektrobear just finished the song for it and it's absolutely insane, you guys gotta hear it!). Aside from that, heavy work on Soundwave City should also begin soon, but we already have tons of maps for it as well as npcs and story content prepared to be polished for a further build down the line. [img][/img] Beta Backers will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to access the new build, if they have not already activated their access. The contents of this build will include the contents of the new Desert area and the Desert Dungeon. [h1]Here's some screenshots and GIFs of things we've been working on:[/h1] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [h1]What comes next?[/h1] Now that we're coming to the close of the year, Moonana took the time to sit down and review the progress as well as make plans for the upcoming year so we don't mess things up, development is a crazy thing. To help visualize this we've created a roadmap of what we've accomplished so far and what our goals are for next year in terms of sending new builds for beta backers. You guys get to see a bit of our roadmap, with the non confidential bits of it, at least! This also means that next year should be the last year of Keylocker development, but once content creation is done and ready, all that will be sent to translators, QA professionals, LQA professionals and our preferred porting house (which we've been working with in the past to launch Virgo Versus The Zodiac for consoles) to ensure a swift launch for all platforms, simultaneously. [img][/img] As Keylocker's development reach the final stretch of development, with the project starting three years ago, the team has also entered pre-production on our next project, which, while we can't talk about it openly just yet, we're all *very excited* to dive into. But for now, the task at hand is finishing Keylocker, which I'm extremely hype about as you know, I'm very into content creation and adding all those crazy story bits, so let's make this next year into a good one! From the entire Moonana Team, we wish you a wonderful new year filled with many good games and great memories. Thank you again for your support, we're sending love to all of you all over the world!