Tomb Stalkers is an Arcade Action Puzzle game with fast paced mechanics. Walk around the tombs to open them and reveal their content, you require to get a key and a relic to be able to unlock the exit to the next level. But beware, the sorceress minions are upon you with their unique abilities.
- Blue Mummy Behavior: now mummies repair tombs, which is their expected behavior/skill... but it has never fixed properly until now.
- Guardian (Boss) Behavior: in some cases, guardian lost his spear until he tries to throw a spear again. This happened when guardian is damaged just after throwing the spear. Now is solved.
- seems the Wishlist button was not active in the last update. So now is active.
- Graphics: X-Ray effect's resolution has been raised, 2x for single player and 1.5x for multiplayer (due to there are 2 cameras rendering).
- Changed blue Mummies spawn amount and spawn priority
- Music changes when Sorceress is spawned, turns to previous Music theme if the timer is not ran out. that way the player is aware when the sorceress is in the area (Most dangerous enemy to face in the game, due to she forces you to restart the level if she catches you).