Knights of the Deep - 0.116

Knights of the Deep Playtest

- Fixed a bug related to Crayfish when it dies the ragdoll is frozen midair. - Now 2 seconds before invisibility goes down, it’ll start to phase between on and off - Fixed problems related to projectile sometimes randomly colliding with ground - Established 8 max players per session. - Established only 2:30 minutes or Infinite time of gameplay per map. - Added Item Attack Moves to Crayfish - Added “Stale Move Negation” applied to every Attack Move move by default. Everytime you attack, it starts to stack a damage reduction multiplier, so you deal less damage each time you repeat the same attack move. It’s not related by the button, but by the Attack Move itself. Each attack have an individual percentage reduction and cooldown to reset the stack. Attacking without hitting will result in adding to stack as well. - Added a “Escape Opportunity” if you get stuck on hitstun for more than 2 seconds. You get an invulnerability buff, but at the same time sets you on Tired State for 3.5 seconds. Also there’s a 6 seconds cooldown to activate the Escape Opportunity again.