Khimera: Puzzle Island Version 1.1

Khimera: Puzzle Island

She's back just in time to do all the puzzles in your Sunday paper! It's a Khimera Nonogram adventure!

Version 1.1 is now live featuring a few small fixes to the shop and some spelling errors. Big thanks to everyone on the discord who's been pointing things out to me! [b]Version 1.1 - December 1, 2020[/b] [list][*]Fixed some typos.[/*][*]Fixed cursor vanishing on the right side of wide puzzles.[/*][*]Fixed shop not selling items if you had exactly enough cookies.[/*][*]Fixed pieces in shop displaying incorrectly as an empty marker instead of a note and vice versa.[/*][*]On boot, the game will now detect the largest possible resolution that will fit the display and default to that, rather than defaulting to 1x (if you've not already set a preference).[/*][/list]