Khimera: Puzzle Island 2.0 - Japanese Translation

Khimera: Puzzle Island

She's back just in time to do all the puzzles in your Sunday paper! It's a Khimera Nonogram adventure!

[b]Khimera: Puzzle Island version 2.0 is now available![/b] This new version fixes a few bugs and introduces a [i]full Japanese translation[/i] by the wonderful [url=]Reallei[/url], making it the first Suits & Sandals game to be available in a language other than English! Khimera: Puzzle Islandはバーション2.0に更新しました!不具合の修正他に、なんと!日本語も追加しました!これはSuits & Sandalsの初英語以外のリリースとなります! [b]Version 2.0:[/b] [list][*]Japanese translation introduced. [*]Changed 'Skip cutscene' message to use button icons instead of text. [*]fixed sound and music sometimes crackling as the game attempts to play the song and then immediately lower the volume. [*]Fixed item medals not appearing in credits statistics. [*]fixed all gold medal times achievement not unlocking if you were under one second from missing gold on any of the puzzles. [*]Some Canadian spellings removed. [*]Swapped flashing effect when selecting puzzles to something easier on the eyes. [/list]