Just a few more days!

Jury - Episode 1: Before the Trial

A high quality, erotic, sexy and fun visual novel - and yes, there are animations!

Hello you lovely people! The wait is almost over! All the content is ready, it's been tested and quite a number of scenes have been subject to pretty hefty enhancements due to beta testing feedback. Honestly, it's amazing the stuff you miss when you've had your nose deep in rendering for a year! I think I've been the subject of quite a few laughs throughout the testing stage of the development. I do believe that the testers have spared me many blushes with some of the items they have flagged! Hopefully some of you may have already seen the new page in the store. If not, please check it out below! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2874140/Jury__Episode_2_The_Trial_of_Brooke_Lafferty/ I can't wait to share the new Episode with you all, and look forward to the feedback. I really hope you enjoy it! I'm wondering if anyone's favorite character is going to change in this episode? Quite honestly, it did for me as I was creating the content and fleshing out the depth. I feel you really get to know some of the characters better in this episode as things start to get a little more serious. As mentioned before, the only real piece of outstanding content is the Gallery, which I have coded in the variables to trigger, but I will upload the actual gallery items as a post release item (you won't have to replay the scenes to get the goods!). There are a few other items I want to get developed and into the game before jumping into Episode 3, but I'll save those for another post. The main focus will be on listening to feedback and responding to any defects that may or may not arise during the release process. Fingers crossed, the team have caught at least all the game breaking defects, but there's always the chance that something slipped through! Thanks again to everyone (particularly those who have been here since April 2023 and have patiently waited all this time!). Nickle3DArt