Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the much-anticipated sequel to Frontier’s highly successful Jurassic World Evolution. This bold new era in the Jurassic World Evolution game franchise builds upon the ground-breaking and immersive 2018 management simulation.
Hello, Park Managers!
We're excited to announce that the free decorative update to celebrate [i]Jurassic Park[/i]'s 30th anniversary is [b]now available[/b]! You can access the brand new decorations by updating your game, but if you're curious as to what's included, we've got you covered.
From the iconic [i]Jurassic Park [/i]Archway, Banners, and Walls, to the classic T. rex and Alamosaurus Skeletons from the Jurassic Park Visitor Centre, this update brings a whole host of decorative items to your parks, allowing you to recreate some of your favourite set ups from the original movie in-game, with over [b]20 new decorative items[/b]!
In this update, you'll find the ever-smiling genetic code strain, Mr. DNA immortalised in statue form, the original [i]Jurassic Park[/i] Small Electrified Fence, and even the log that protected certain brave explorers from a flock of Gallimimus Full release notes are below, and make sure to let us know which of the brand new decorations you're most excited for!
One item in particular may leave you feeling a little...[i]flushed[/i]. That's right, we're not [i]mucking around[/i] (okay, okay, we'll stop!) in this free update, we're bringing you...a Big Pile of Dung to add to your enclosures! Your poor park guests.
[b]Don't forget! [/b]
We'll be celebrating [i]Jurassic Park[/i]'s 30th anniversary over onon [url=https://www.twitch.tv/frontier]Twitch[/url] and [url=https://www.youtube.com/@jurassicWorldEvolution]Youtube[/url] at 15:00 BST today, where we'll be looking through some of your recreations of movie scenes in Jurassic World Evolution 2 ([url=https://twitter.com/JW_Evolution/status/1666083296147812354]more about that here![/url]), checking out the new decorations, and giving away some Jurassic World Evolution 2 goodies.
We can't wait to see what you do with the new update, Park Managers!
[u]Release Notes:[/u]
● Added Jurassic Park Decorations
● Les Gigantes Mural
● Jurassic Park Banner - Classic
● Fallen Tree
● Jurassic Park Sign
● Mr. DNA Sculpture
● Classic Bunker
● Classic Table and Chairs
● T. rex Skeleton
● Alamosaurus Skeleton
● Jurassic Park Banner Arch
● Classic Maintenance Shed
● Classic Wall - Straight
● Classic Wall - Arch
● Classic Wall - Curved
● Umbrella - Open
● Umbrella - Closed
● Jurassic Park Gate Arch
● Big Pile of Dung
● Added Jurassic Park Pylons/Fences/Gates
● Classic Pylon
● Classic Airlock Gate
● Small Electrified Fence
● Added Jurassic Park Paths
● Classic Facility Path
● Classic Standard Path
● Classic Wide Path
● Classic Main Thoroughfare
● Classic Luxury Standard Path
● Classic Luxury Wide Path
● Classic Luxury Main Thoroughfare
Bug Fixes
● Added the Insectivore Feeder to the following Challenge levels
● Arizona Breakout
● Washington State Wreckage
● Pennsylvania Headquarters
● Oregon Aviary
● Adjusted live feeder settings to ensure they're producing goats and fish to support larger dinosaur populations