June Update 2024 [v0.9.4] with engine upgrade and much more

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32008835/42001e0e2fa946c7da1d50f040b826f46dd48ccc.png[/img] [h1]Hello everyone,[/h1] The time has finally come. Thank you very much for your patience. In this update everything has been turned upside down again and due to the long time a lot could be changed. The update was basically ready two weeks ago. Then came the Indie Game Fest and some things were adjusted again. To be honest: fortunately!!! There were still a few bugs and a few errors in thinking. But the Indie Game Fest was great fun. Looking over the shoulders of so many people as they celebrate the game and give feedback is really great. Thank you all for your feedback! Alright, enough of the past. Let's take a look at the hot s***. The main feature in this update is the engine upgrade. I.e. 30-60fps until the late game. We were able to verify this in some long-term tests. Nevertheless, everyone has different hardware, which is why there will always be deviations. A lot of under-the-hood adjustments had to be made. There is still a BUG with PIXIJS which means that we have not yet fully switched to WebGPU. But the new upgrade of PIXIJS alone brings a lot of performance. In addition, we have made a few adjustments, e.g. moving vehicles (bicycles, cars, mopeds, airplanes, ships,...) now only move at 10fps. In my opinion, this is an adjustment that doesn't really catch the eye and makes the pixel character even more beautiful. As already mentioned, in this update there are a few buses that drive along the streets as soon as tourists arrive at the port or airport. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32008835/f359b5f56b8c62d711e31e2b0fc1c110777e3638.png[/img] I have noticed that some people have problems with road construction and terraforming. That's why I've made the fields look better in this update. When building roads, you can now build by holding down the mouse button and can build around corners. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32008835/062e765b535ab51824b0f4e3c8118f1e468faa7a.png[/img] When you build a new building, the bonus/penalty area is displayed immediately. Buildings with a foot icon must contain a road in this border so that tourists can get there on foot. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32008835/6522bacd54854d51bc2e37533a82133aee18ec1f.png[/img] If you have built the building too far away, warnings will now appear. I.e. warnings if the building has no road connection or the building has no harbor or airport or a harbor has no connection to the Dark Water. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32008835/61c76937afd04b529d1035be3286750d13f6d790.png[/img] The money icon at the top now contains a small report on the last year with the profits and losses of the individual building types. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32008835/585be8e4d45ed75edd92918b0f9192b88563afb5.png[/img] If you pause, build something and have to demolish it again, you get the building costs back. In other words, as long as no time has elapsed, you can demolish the buildings for free as if nothing had happened. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32008835/7116ad4fa37e7ac9ca846f3a525485cb3e203669.png[/img] The costs for terraforming and the consultants have been reduced. The side missions have also been adjusted. In addition, there are always a few beginner missions (Build Harbor, Build Hotel) to steer you in the right direction. Last but not least: I think many have only found their way to the store in a roundabout way. I wanted to change this. The store button has now been integrated right at the start on the left-hand side. Just in case. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32008835/e4ae0a3be2eb0fb7bfd345bac6d77003ce52c71b.png[/img] The same applies to the menu to see the preferences of the buildings. If you click on a building, another button will take you directly to the preference menu. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32008835/5c40fc283d62d776ebbbb2c6cde23452eccf3c90.png[/img] In the preference menu you can select the right buildings or click on the building to build it directly. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32008835/1ba08c13454212327df6b8dd296975fa3c0e33bb.png[/img] There are a few more minor adjustments in the update. There will also be a few changes under the hood in the next update. Because, as already mentioned, the performance of WebGPU could not yet be switched on. There are also a few missing features like the Steam Workshop support and other wishes from you that I have noted down. So look forward to the next update or to Gamescom 2024, where we will have our own booth. Until then, thank you for your patience. P.S. If you ❤️ Summer Islands, we would be very 🤩 about a 👍 Review. [b]Have fun[/b] [url=https://trello.com/b/FbC1a19w/devboard-summer-islands]https://trello.com/b/FbC1a19w/devboard-summer-islands[/url] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32008835/208187681c271764254685118b1e36940a347538.png[/img] [h2]FEATURES:[/h2] [list] [*] ADDED: Engine Upgrade with WebGPU Support and a lot of adjustments under the hood to keep it running [*] ADDED: Buses on Street [*] ADDED: Warnings for problematic buildings [*] ADDED: Buildingsname in different language [*] ADDED: Money icon shows small report [*] ADDED: [/list] Pause extended: Demolition and money back if no time has passed [h2]IMPROVEMENTS[/h2] [list] [*] FIX: Better display of the letters ÄÖÜ [*] FIX: Links are opened with Steam overlay [*] CHANGED: Resolution Zoom with Render Engine [*] CHANGED: Reduced costs for terraforming [*] CHANGED: Reduced costs for consultants [*] CHANGED: Sidequest finetuning [*] CHANGED: Disaster number finetuning [*] CHANGED: Road construction with preview [*] CHANGED: Building preference menu with building button [*] CHANGED: Building click menu with Button to preferences [*] CHANGED: Victory menu custo [/list]mized