June events: Summer sale, discounts, Joy Life 4 is coming soon!

Hot And Lovely 2

This is an interesting casual origami game that can exercise your hands-on ability. And when you pass all the levels, you can start the hot sex journey between you and the beautiful girl.

Hello! Hello, all the Lovely Games players, Maomao is here to announce the five major events in June! See the end, there will be a lucky draw in June [h5]Event 1:[/h5] Friend L&P's new game "A fascinating story" will be launched on [b][u]June 14[/u][/b], with a [u]first release discount of "-21%[/u]. [i][u]The game does not include one-click skip[/u][/i], it is a strategy development system, [i][u]it is recommended to purchase after careful consideration[/u][/i]. In addition, the five heroines in this game are not all true, kind and beautiful images, players who have too high requirements for character settings, [i][u]please also consider before purchasing[/u][/i]. Click the link below for details~ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2756390/_/ [h5]Event 2:[/h5] JL series sequel [b][u]Joy Life 4[/u][/b] will launch a sequel, which will meet you on [u][b]July 26, 2024[/b][/u]~~ What will happen to the new neighbor Heiman who moved next door? Please click the link below to find out~ https://store.steampowered.com/app/3028000/Joy_Life_4/ [h5]Event 3:[/h5] Game discounts will start on [u][i]June 17 and end on June 24[/i][/u]. Promotional games include 25 games including the entire Joy Life series, Adorable Witch, A fascinating story: Wedding Night, etc., with the highest game discount of [b][u]-70%[/u][/b]. [h5]Event 4:[/h5] Summer sales are about to begin, Lovely All games under games will be included in the promotion, so you can buy them if you like them! [h5]Event 5: [/h5] As usual, [u][b]June lucky draw event[/b][/u]. Follow Joy Life 4 and leave a comment in the comment section about how many series the production team has released so far (games that have been produced once are also counted as one series, and those that have been removed from the shelves are not counted). Five players with the correct answer will be selected to receive any game key [b]Event time: June 11-June 18, 2024[/b] [h5]There are 2 more games in August[/h5] Fairy Biography 6: Revenge Isn’t it a pity about the ending? It doesn’t matter, the sequel to Fairy Biography 5 has already started production! Don’t you want to know the follow-up story? https://store.steampowered.com/app/2937990/Fairy_Biography_6__Revenge/ Hypnosis Card 2 A magical card that can hypnotize girls, don't you want to give it a try? The sequel to "Hypnotic Cards" is coming soon! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2863310/2/ Contact us: Development team homepage: [url=store.steampowered.com] https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37430609 [/url] Google Mail: [url=store.steampowered.com] lovelygames888@gmail.com [/url] Welcome to join our group through the development team homepage to chat together~