Suit up for massive mecha mayhem in War Robots: Frontiers. Construct and pilot mechs, squad up, and unleash your power in epic online battles.
Mark your calendars and prepare your Garages for epic showdowns in [b]weekly War Robots: Frontiers Community Play Sessions! [/b]Squad up for one hour of mecha-fighting mayhem every Friday — check [url=]Discord[/url] Events for your local Play Session time.
Whether you're a pro Pilot or just starting your journey, everyone is welcome to join! Feel free to play, watch the stream, or just chat.
Don’t miss the Halloween Community Play Session on [b]October 25 (18:00–19:00 CEST)[/b], where participants can earn a [b]Pumpkin Pilot Sticker. [/b]
See you all on the Wild Ten!