Japanese bleats and new goatstumes: Goatfix 0.1.2 is already here!


Goat of Duty is a fast-paced multiplayer shooter where goats armed to the horns bleat face to face in a relentless deathmatch. Ram and troll your friends, own the craziest goatstumes, and put your skills to the test in the quirkiest FPS ever. Are you ready to become the GOAT of goats?

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/34981763/30cf4f3a9329669f542119b678b4911bffcbe8e9.gif[/img] Our dearest goats, It’s been more than a month since we opened the pen to let all of you goats to start ramming around and being as awesome as all of you are. But we haven’t been only goating around. We have taken this time to hear your bleats on our Discord channel and on the Steam forums and we are so happy to announce that we have a new Goatfix that will add some features, make some improvement and fix some stuff. [h1]Here’s what new with the Goatfix 0.1.2:[/h1] [b]Features[/b] [list] [*] [b]Two new goatstumes[/b] (Narugoat and Sailor Goat). Does anybody love Japanese culture? [*] Added [b]Japanese language[/b]: baaaaaaa-rigato gozaimasu! [*] [b]GameMode Vote system[/b]: we have implemented a match mode vote, giving a 3 points vote to the host, so he can have more weight on the control of its own lobby. [*] [b]Random game mode option[/b] on vote screen. Bleating intensifies! [*] New tooltips. So you can learn more about goats than anybody else in the world! [/list] [b]Improvements and changes[/b] [list] [*] Added disconnected host messages for clients. No more leaving without saying goodbye! [*] Few lighting updates so goats will look even more beautiful! [*] Improved UI layout on some screens [*] Small gameplay tweaks. Ram is more responsive so you better start using those horns! [*] Floating damage text animation now starts where the hit lands [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Various localization fixes thanks to our goat writers [*] Fix on widgets SFX [*] Fixed some bot behavior with ram [*] Fixed “Ready” text visibility in the lobby [*] Fixed the Horror Well colliders. Baaaa-mazing! [*] Fixed the issue where the level cap was 29 instead of 30, now you are allowed to unlock the last devastating goat once the time comes. Behold Goatzilla! [/list] We want to thank you once again for all the feedback, ideas and support we are getting from you either on the Steam forums and the Discord server. We continue implementing new features and ideas that you have told us and we encourage you to keep doing so, so Goat of Duty can evolve and become [b]the goatest goat person shooter[/b]! Yours goatly,