Jackbox Party Pack free on Epic Games Store right now | The Jackbox Party Pack | Gamehypes

Jackbox Party Pack free on Epic Games Store right now

The Jackbox Party Pack

The team behind YOU DON’T KNOW JACK presents FIVE guffaw-inducing party games in one pack! You’re gonna need more than one party for this. Your phones or tablets are your controllers! For 1-100 players!

The latest freebie from Epic Games in their attempt to demonstrate that there’s more to their new store than Fortnite is The Jackbox Party Pack, a brillo bundle of silly party games from the makers of You Don’t Know Jack. For the next fortnight, nab it and you’ll have it for keepsies on your Epic account. While Jackbox make the Party Pack games for people playing in the same room, everyone using phones or laptops or tablets to enter their answers and such through a website, you can also use screen sharing to play online while giggling with your cyberpals.
