Get over 30 Jackbox games in the Humble Jackbox Party Bundle 2019

The Jackbox Party Pack

The team behind YOU DON’T KNOW JACK presents FIVE guffaw-inducing party games in one pack! You’re gonna need more than one party for this. Your phones or tablets are your controllers! For 1-100 players!

Humble Bundle has just launched the Humble Jackbox Party Bundle 2019, featuring over 30 silly and irreverent party games.

Having dabbled with many Jackbox games across countless house parties, it's safe to say that many of these can be very hit-and-miss. However, when they nail an idea the results are usually hilarious.

Looking at this Jackbox Party Bundle, the first tier is relatively uninspiring as it just features a handful of the older You Don't Know Jack quiz games. Sure, some of these can be a bit of fun for the trivia nuts, but there's a lot more variation from later releases. That said, you'll get everything here for under 1.

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