Into The Inferno Updated

Into The Inferno

A retro-style first-person dungeon crawler RPG where you rescue kidnapped children from an underground demon horde.

The main focus of this update is healing amount increases for all healing spells, plus various bug fixes. [list] [*] All healer and shaman spells will now heal more damage. There are small boosts to the single-target healing spells, and a much larger boost to the group healing spells. As before, a healer's healing spells are more powerful than a shaman's. [*] The mana cost of the cure poison spell has been reduced. [*] Increased the damage amount for the harm spell. [*] Fixed an issue with not having enough spell buttons on the casting window, causing the highest-level shaman area-effect spell to be uncastable. [*] Changed how saved games load, so attempting to move while a saved game is loading should be much less likely (hopefull impossible) to cause location glitches. [*] Fixed the door direction for one of the miner quest houses in the town. [*] Fixed an issue where receiving an item when all characters have a full inventory would cause the game to crash. [*] Fixed an issue with winning the game where it would jump to the end credits too fast to read the quest completion message. [/list]