Incoming Patch

PAC-MAN™ Championship Edition DX+

It's time to gear up!Get ready for more ghost chain gobbling and frantic action in PAC-MAN® CE-DX+! The award-winning chomping game makes a shattering debut on Steam with even more content and a refined user-interface to compare high scores with your friends!

[h1]A patch is about to be released to fix the following:[/h1] 1. Show full game AppID store page in demo version. 2. Change channel mapping to 2 channels, disabled check for default audio change every 1 second which may cause audio problems on some audio cards. 3. Fixed a bug that game crashes after updating scores of Highway II and return back to Game Modes Select page. 4. Fixed a bug that game display wrong ranking (always S) in Game Modes Select page. 5. Add Leaderboards for DLC courses in 'Game Mode Total'. Regards.