Have You Played… Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+?

PAC-MAN™ Championship Edition DX+

It's time to gear up!Get ready for more ghost chain gobbling and frantic action in PAC-MAN® CE-DX+! The award-winning chomping game makes a shattering debut on Steam with even more content and a refined user-interface to compare high scores with your friends!

Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+

Can you honestly say with a straight face that Pac-Man has seen the same success he once saw 40 years ago? He’s been rebooted an embarrassing number of times; I still have nightmares about his “Ghostly Adventures”. However, I’d argue that Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+ (or Pac-Man DX+ for short) was one of the two times that Bandai Namco were onto something great.
