Improvements to AI, optimization, UI.

Mother Hub

Mother Hub is a retro FPS with an artistically gritty setting from the early 2000's, with a strong backbone of horror. Descend deep into an ancient vault and save humanity.

[b]This is a good size update, I've improved the AI quite a bit. I've balanced the weapon damage and enemy health better. I've renewed the UI to something matching and added a weapon bar, I've increased the general FPS by about 15-20. Here's the full list of updates:[/b] Rework the flinch triggers for parasites to have cool downs Fix UI / add health and weapon bar Red glowing guy sound louded and brighter fixed road block not falling over Pick up object text more uniform Adjusted dialogue window Add glow to ammo boxes Fixed inverted mouse being confusing Steve aka gamergoku vocals added to the demo Pipe ranged reduced from 2.5 -> 2 Pipe damaged reduced from 2 -> 1.5 Pistol ammo reduced in demo by about 18 rounds. Pistol damage increased from 8 ->10 Zombies now die to a single pistol shot to the head, (feels better) Set revolver impact levels to dead monster Increase revolver accuracy Further reduced ammo Decreased amount of health from health packs. Further increase flinch cool down on brute Disable flinch during attack animation on brute Reduce brute damage slight amount Zombie now not able to flinch while attacking Force field now turns off with secret wall button Force field emitter sound now louder and brighter Weapon bar Increased FPS with optimization.