Underground Defense Force -Sword and Sorcery and Swarm of Insects-

Swarms of giant insects has appeared in the underground world "Agartha"! Defeat swarms of mutated insect monsters with multicast weapons/spells by your own party of customized characters! This is a casual turn-based tactical RPG with a focus on exhilaration and hack-and-slash system.

This update is to the beta branch of IMPOSSIBLE difficulty, as described in the previous announcement (below). https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2603860/view/4220517501581638441 [h2]Changes (v1.2beta => v1.2beta2)[/h2] The IMPOSSIBLE game balance has become even more difficult and formidable! [list] [*]Changed IMPOSSIBLE Damage Deal Variance from +/- 20% to +/- 5%. [*]Increased all IMPOSSIBLE enemies' Health except boss monsters. [/list] [h2]List of IMPOSSIBLE enemies' Health (from old to new)[/h2] [list] [*]Ant 2184 => 2974 [*]Spider 2496 => 3411 [*]Hornet 1456 => 1892 [*]Cockroach 2704 => 3411 [*]Moth 2704 => [u][b]5699[/b][/u] [*]Woollybear 3120 => 3785 [*]Caterpillar 2704 => 3785 [*]Firefly 3120 => 3785 [*]Burrow 4784 => 5699 [*]Arachne 4784 => 5699 [*]Chrysalis 4784 => 5699 [*]Mantis 3120 => 3785 [*]Centipede 2704 => 3411 [*]Snail 9568 => 11398 [*]Beetle 5720 => 6011 [*]Scorpion 1456 => 1892 [/list] In addition to the increase in the enemy's Health, the damage variance has been narrowed, making it impossible to destroy burrows with a single blow using "Nikaido Sword". The "Nikaido Spear" can still destroy them with two thrusts, so you will need to be tactically creative by targeting multiple burrows at the same AoE. Some enemies are now much harder ([u][b]especially "Moth"s[/b][/u]), so your old tactics will no longer work in some missions! [h2]IMPOSSIBLE Youtube gameplay video by a user[/h2] We would like to introduce an awesome Japanese user who played IMPOSSIBLE before the balance adjustment (v1.2beta) and distributed it live on Youtube, who has conquered all difficulty levels from EASY to INFERNO. He is very tactically sophisticated! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NvxrleLss8 I, the author of this game, actually decided to increase the difficulty level of IMPOSSIBLE after watching this video. ...However, I can't make it so unreasonable that you can't clear it no matter how hard you try, so I have adjusted it moderately. [h2]The official release date of IMPOSSIBLE[/h2] We are aiming to finish balancing the game this week and officially release it to the formal branch. (Because, as you may know, [u][b]next week, the Steam version of the latest version of original homaged game "E*rth Defense Force 6" will be released.[/b][/u] I believe that many of the players of this game are also "believers" of "E*rth Defense Force" series. Plus, of course, [u][b]I myself am naturally a "believer" and would like to start playing this "6" ... !!!![/b][/u]) At this point, we don't think we can make it any more difficult than current version. For now, I, the author, already confirmed that one of the most difficult missions, the "Cave of Inferno" (M36), can be cleared in a straightforward manner, so as soon as the balance of the other missions is confirmed, I will proceed with preparations for formal release.