IGN reviews Laika: Aged Through Blood 9/10! ❤️

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41486218/74f7e54fcbfcad62fc71b03c38d3ece81443d10c.jpg[/img] Coyote's greetings, friends! 🦊 Just a quick and short update that we are all super happy about! Meanwhile, the first press reviews of [b]Laika: Aged Through Blood[/b] are arriving, and [url=https://www.ign.com/articles/laika-aged-through-blood-review][b]IGN has given it a rating of 9/10[/b][/url]: [i]"Laika: Aged Through Blood mixes motorbikes and gunplay to create an incredibly unique metroidvania experience. Bolstered by a beautiful soundtrack and brutal story, its unapologetic approach to mastering both bike and bullet rewards learning from frequents death with some seriously slick and satisfying combat."[/i] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuXhkY8o7-Y The whole team is bubbling with excitement to show you all the love and hard work we've put into this adventure! It won't be long now, friends - it's only one hour to go! We are counting the minutes until the release! Brainwash Gang & Headup https://store.steampowered.com/app/1796220/Laika_Aged_Through_Blood/