A massive "thank you" from all of us behind Laika: Aged Through Blood! ❤️

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41486218/b941a2dae3b8c7626a582c19c35eb576b726ddde.jpg[/img] Greetings, bikers! [b]We've been journeying through the Wastelands for (almost) a week![/b] Can you believe it? Time flies when you're out there doing backflips and battling an entire invading army. We wanted to take a moment to shout out a massive [u][b]THANK YOU[/b][/u] from everyone at Brainwash Gang and Headup for such an awesome response [b]and for your support[/b]! ːsteamhappyː We are listening to your feedback, and we're working hard to address all the issues that could have only come up with such a massive amount of active players. So, an additional thanks to everyone of you who spent some time reporting bugs on our [url=https://discord.gg/RH5qcunBc6][b]Discord server[/b][/url] and the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1796220][b]Steam forums[/b][/url]! Now, let's get down to business. We've been deploying bug-fixing patches almost every day, fixing video codec issues, software incompatibilities, and gameplay bugs (and typos!). But there is still work to do! [b]Here's what we're up to right now:[/b] [list][*] Discussing all your feedback! [*] Various gameplay bugs. [*] Backup system to avoid loss of progress after crashes. [*] Expanded input binding. [*] More settings and accessibility options. [*] Crash hunting! (we need your help with this!)[/list] See you in the Wastelands! Brainwash Gang [b]PS:[/b] Please leave a review if you haven't done yet, this really helps us! Let's get to [u][b]500[/b][/u]! ːsteamhappyː https://store.steampowered.com/app/1796220/Laika_Aged_Through_Blood/