IDEA first patch is out! (with 2 new languages)

IDEA_1.19.11 --------------- First complete patch for IDEA registered in Steam (v1.1): This patch includes versiones from 1.19.6 to 1.19.11 local patchs: - Net system updated. - Added new fonts: Korean, chinese and japanese fonts. - Created new fonts profiles with ranges. - All menu, demo, achievements and game text updated. Localized in the new 3 languages. - Saving ideas combos fixed (to test). - Achievement manager and system fixed. Including new langs. - Achievement FULL DEMO logro text fixed. - IDEA Animations compressed and optimized. - Player prefs update. - Videos preload deleted. - Loading screen deleted, the games changes instantly the level screens. -------------------------- - Many characters problems in Korean and Chinese solved. - Many translation bugs fixed. - Achievements menu updated. - IDEA and tutorial menus updated and fixed. - Good Ending duplicated menus fixed. -------------------------- - Chinese logo added. - Game changes language instantly from options menu. - SteamManager connects now to the appID, not to demo one. - 3 new fonts added with new characters for Korean, Chinese and Japanese. - Updated MAC and Windows builds. - Another small bugs fixed. TLR Games 2023 (C) All rights reserved.