Ice Cold Beer and Zeke's Peak cabinet updates

Zeke's Peak

Zeke’s Peak is a vibrant reimagining of Taito's classic mechanical arcade game, launching the arcade spirit into the 21st century with dozens of new levels and unique play styles to tell the story of a hero who wants nothing more than to climb all of the things. Including classic Zeke's Peak and Ice Cold Beer!

[h3]What's New[/h3] [list] [*] Updated "Ice Cold Beer" and "Zeke's Peak" boards using accurate hole sizes and board aspect ratio [*] New lighting, reflections, shadows for ICB and Zeke's Peak boards [*] Improved metallic ball/bar [*] Tweaked physics for expert/cabinet mode, even faster and closer to mechanical cabs [*] Authentic music for ICB/Zeke matching the mechanical arcade experience (new victory song too) [*] Mechanical ball kick-out on ICB and Zeke [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed broken keyboard remapping [*] Fixed bug where lower-end machines could get the bar to pass through the ball [*] Fixed bug which gave a slight advantage to faster GPU's [*] Fixed local high scores for cabinet mode [*] Proper "ball on bar" counter [*] Better colour for option menu selections (not grey on white) [/list]