A Dump in the Dark

Your cheeks will quiver in fear, as ghastly ghouls accost your rear. You will gape in horror, as you face the dark. Only your rump can guide you through.

[url=]Hunkenstein Steam Store Page![/url] [b]Welcome to a world where movie monsters have become household pests.[/b] Built from the finest scratch parts by a thirsty mad-scientist, you'll find yourself alive again, tasked with monster-eradication. Stake, burn, detonate, shoot, or mulch your way through each infestation, then collect the check! Utilize meat-magnets, net-launchers, anvil-cannons, giant glue-traps, fall-cages, flying pig-copters, and good old fashioned gasoline to exterminate an onslaught of physics based enemies. Ghouls, werewolves, vampires, zombies, killer-dolls, lake-creatures, mummies, and more. [previewyoutube=t4XWnj6xdAE;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] COMING SOON TO STEAM! [url=]Check it out![/url]