Huge Update! Steel items, steel ingots, new resource and more! [Version 0.80]


Empires is a medieval survival game. After your merchant ship collided with rocks and ran aground you must survive on the unknown island. Gather, craft, survive!

Hello Survivors! We have just released a new update which includes many new features and changes! [h1]Features: [/h1] [b]-NEW oil deposits. This is essential in crafting steel compound.[/b] [img][/img] [b]-NEW steel compound. Mix iron ore and oil to form steel compound. This is used to create steel ingots.[/b] [img][/img] [b]-NEW steel ingots! Place steel compound into a furnace to get these[/b] [img][/img] [b]-NEW steel axe[/b] [img][/img] [b]-NEW steel sword[/b] [img][/img] [b]-Added description to each melee weapon describing how much damage they do. This will help in deciding which weapon to craft[/b] [h1]Changes: [/h1] -Changed the berry consuming sound to eating instead of drinking -Changed plagued villager health to 350 from 300 -Decreased grass height so its easier to look for animals -Added cloth to all melee weapon crafting -Added extra plant fibre bushes to both maps -Added water to the lake in the main menu