Huge Update Soon!


Empires is a medieval survival game. After your merchant ship collided with rocks and ran aground you must survive on the unknown island. Gather, craft, survive!

Hello Survivors, The next Empires update will be arriving in the new year, January 2019. We plan to add many things into Empires to make it a more enjoyable experience! We thank everyone for being apart of the development this year. [h1]What will be included in the update? [/h1] -Graphical improvements and map changes. We will be adding new vegetation and making some map changes to make both maps look and feel more populated. New rocks will also be added. -A patch for the anvil not saving will be released -Iron will be made harder to obtain. The stone rocks will only provide you with stone. Metal will have its own deposit. -New weapons will be added. We plan to add a new iron mace, iron axe and iron dagger. -We will be looking into steel items for Empires. We may add a new resource which is oil. With this you will have to combine oil and metal to form a steel compound. We would be glad to hear your thoughts! [h1]Interactive Gaming Studios [/h1]