How long is Evil West? Given that 50+ hour games are the trend at the moment - and have been for quite some time - you may be wondering how long you'll be spending in this vampire-slaying steampunk third-person shooter. If you're a fan of shorter action-adventure games that don't take themselves too seriously, packed with monsters to explode in a shower of blood, then Evil West may be the gunslinging adventure for you.
Evil West has 16 missions that will take roughly 10-15 hours to complete. The game's structure features a linear set of missions filled with treasures off the beaten track (including the Evil West unique chests) and arenas where you duel against vampires, their cowboy thralls, and other wicked creatures of the night. If that sounds good, but you'd like to learn a lot more, we have an Evil West preview that goes into more detail about what you can expect to find in the western game.
Where to find Evil West unique chests for perks, upgrades, and skins
Is there Evil West crossplay?
Evil West's combat is like Batman: Arkham Asylum with guns and gore