Hotfix (v1.0.8 - 3/12/20)

Captain Sabertooth and the Magic Diamond

Embark on an epic quest for treasure in Captain Sabertooth and the Magic Diamond, a pirate platform-adventure game for the whole family! 

Yesterday the second update for Captain Sabertooth and the Magic Diamond went live! [b]This patch contains the following bug fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Various fixes for localized text [*] In some rare instances the save failed. A safeguard for preventing this is now added. [*] Minor level change to allow for backtracking in one Turtle Island area [*] Game defaulted to Danish if computer had Norwegian language set. This is now fixed. [*] Menu highlight issues fixed [*] Polish and fixes on Spider enemy [*] We now show an image instead of black screen if video is not supported (Windows N). [*] Minor level updates on Mega Kahn Island [*] In some instances when entering Dark Area, the Parrot didn't explain to the player what happened. This is now fixed [*] When spamming the Jump button the sound now is played at once, and not at a certain location in the animation. [*] If savefile is corrupt, the game will not try to load the save file, causing the game to stop working. [*] Achievement issues fixed [/list] [b]Plus:[/b] [list] [*] General: Player attacked by invisible enemy after finishing the game [*] Interface: Map does not update after being explored [*] Fiery Caverns Challenge [*] Skeleton health bar show that it's dead, but it's not [/list] Again, many of these bugs were found due to the support of the community and we at Ravn Studio, Zordix Publishing and Rock Pocket Games are grateful for this support. We are working on further patch updates focusing on a few more reported bugs. If you have any issues to report feel free to contact our support directly by sending an email to