Hotfix (v1.0.5 - 26/11/20)

Captain Sabertooth and the Magic Diamond

Embark on an epic quest for treasure in Captain Sabertooth and the Magic Diamond, a pirate platform-adventure game for the whole family! 

Yesterday the first update for Captain Sabertooth and the Magic Diamond went live, focusing on the immediate issues we and some players encountered during launch. Without the support of the community many issues would have gone unnoticed and we at Ravn Studio and Rock Pocket Studio are grateful for this support. [list] [*] Corrected some issues with the localized text. [*] Fixed some minor progression issues. [*] Game now starts properly even if the player have a VR headset connected to the computer. [*] Corrected icon placement on in-game map. [*] Fog-map issues fixed. [*] Minor bug fixes. [/list] We are now focused on fixing and testing bugs related to game startup issues among others. We'll keep you up to date on the latest patches rolling out. If you have any issues to report feel free to contact our support directly by sending an email to