Hotfix v0.3.2.815

Cozy Caravan

Embark on a single-player, top-down journey in Cozy Caravan, where the arts of crafting, trading, and exploration come together in a beautifully cozy world. Form lasting bonds as you and your caravan journey through charming towns, enriching lives along the way.

Hi all! A quick hotfix update to address some issues in the 0.3.2 Fishing update. [list] [*]Fixed an issue where players could end up in the upcoming 'Bayside' region (it's not ready yet! ๐Ÿ˜ญ). [*]Fixed some environment collision issues. [*]Fixed some dyes at Donatello's spawning in unreachable locations. [/list] [i][b]NOTE: [/b][/i]If you have saved your game over in Bayside and are unable to return, please go into the '[b]Settings[/b]' menu and use the '[b]Help I'm Stuck[/b]' option to move your character and caravan back to Fellowood Acres. Thanks for those who helped us track down these issues!