Establish and expand your own settlements, liberate the land and assist its villagers, and recruit others to your cause while learning more about a life you had to leave behind. Command your forces, prove your valor through combat, and cement yourself as the hero of your people.
[/h2][*] Fixed saplings inside trees on old saves after the update.
[*] Fixed villagers trying to walk through a fence when interacting with a Town Hall's research desk
[*] Enabled disassembling for decorative flowers
[*] Fixed a crash when raid is launched without any bandit camps on the map
[*] Increased the distance offset to prevent troops getting stuck on Riverdock pier after travelling
[*] Fix collision for blacksmith roof
[*] Fixed villagers trying to walk through pit saw
[*] Fixed unstuck button sometimes teleporting players to the other side of the map.
[*] Fixed a crash related to despawning NPCs.
[h2]User Interface[/h2]
[*] Added a keybind setting for entering army command mode and cancelling orders.
[*] Fixed Craftsman's Nook not having a map icon.
[*] Fixed crash with copy settings from structure that’s being disassembled popup widget
[*] Fixed zooming while aiming with bow
[*] Fixed structure settings not persisting after save/load if they were copied
[*] Fixed DPI scaling lowering resolution in borderless window mode. This should fix the game looking blurry
[*] Fixed player being hard-blocked in case he killed Eryk Briar from “Widow's Wrath” quest by allowing [*]trading for trust at Stranger level
[*]Added 50 trust to “Arrows for Intent” quest to make sure there is more ways to get trust in Bradford
[*]Fixed “Empty Scabbard” getting stuck if player didn't have enough renown upon delivering the Short Sword
[*]Made “Empty Scabbard” complete regardless of player having enough renown and added dialogue option to hire afterwards
[*] Added “Repair Sound” to River Dock