Hotfix #1 (Level Editor Fixes, Miscellaneous Fixes)


Design and build fortresses brick by brick to stand against endless hordes of Horrors in this real-time strategy game with resource management, siege defense, and exploration. Lead from the ramparts, push back the darkness, and hold fast against the creatures of the Mist.

First hotfix! We’ve gotten [b]a lot [/b]of feedback from the Steam reviews, forums, and [url=]our Discord[/url], and we’re already putting it to good use with the following changes: [h2]Bug Fixing[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed waves not working as expected in the Skirmish maps of the Level Editor. [*] Progress serialization issues fixed in custom Endless maps, causing unlocks and points not to save properly. [/list] These are major fixes for those of you who are eager to create and upload your maps with the Level Editor. Now there’s nothing stopping you from sharing your Skirmish and Endless creations! [h2]Miscellaneous[/h2] [list] [*] Campaign levels 6 and 7 were modified in order to better reflect real progression. [/list] [h3]Thank you for your support![/h3] Please keep sharing your feedback. Every single review and suggestion is [b]tremendously valuable[/b], and helps us improve the game alongside our community. Go low and throw! Hogardian Herald