Hot Fix - Version 1.0.14

Night At the Gates of Hell

From the sick mind behind Bloodwash, Jordan King, comes his latest experiment in terror. Inspired by the Italian zombie flicks from Lucio Fulci and Bruno Mattei, Night of the Gates of Hell promises to be a blood dripping, neon soaked, flesh rotting experience.

[u][b]Bug Fixes[/b][/u] [list] [*]Fixed gap in second floor ceiling in Evil in the House of Dr. Fleshenstein [*]Fixed issue where some level unlocks (Extras) were not properly saving [*]Fixed issue where a jumpscare sound effect in the first cutscene was playing too loudly [*]Fixed issue where player could get soft locked in Coastal Village barn house basement by zombies not resetting properly on player death [*]Fixed an issue where player could wind up with negative ammo reserves for a weapon [*]Fixed an issue where a zombie could push the player out of bounds in Woodside Apartment [*]Fixed an issue where if a player had previously played a non-steam version of the game and completed objectives that would unlock steam achievements, they would not unlock when playing the steam version of the game. [*]Fix an issue where an object wasn’t properly getting disabled, allowing the player to soft lock themselves by entering the vents in Woodside Apartment after the second time a section of the floor collapses [*]Fixed an issue where a player could soft lock themselves in Evil in the House of Dr. Fleshenstein by dropping down the hole in the floor without having previously purchased the connecting doors on the first floor and not having enough points to do so then [/list] [u][b]Changes[/b][/u] [list] [*]Added dialogue making the use of the crowbar in Woodside Apartment more clear [*]Changed position of wooden board in Woodside Apartment to make it’s presence and usage more clear [/list] Thank you all for playing and being understanding and patient while we get these fixes out as fast as possible! We are still working on larger additions and fixes including: - Remappable controls - Better organization in the settings (mouse sensitivity should be under controls) - A setting to censor the nudity in the game - Across the board fixes to prevent animation bugs with the guns We'll be working to patch these in as soon as we can :)