Hot Fix 0.3.2

The Drained Goddess

The Drained Goddess is a first-person survival horror game focused on combat system and side story exploration. You will need to fight with many unique enemies and investigate the twisted fate of our main character. Finally you can put different endings to the story.

[h2]Saved Game Compatibility[/h2] (When update from 0.3.1 to this) Compatible as long as your character is not in Chapter 2. [h2]Improvements[/h2] [olist] [*]Highlight the main save point in Chapter 2 so players won't miss it. [*]Changed Some props position in Chapter 2. [/olist] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [olist] [*]Fixed player inventory and equipments may not be loaded correctly in an edge case. [*]Fixed a potential logic error bug for cross level status on starting a new game. [*]Fixed that it may be very hard to break the wall or get through it in Chapter 1 in some edge cases. [*]Fixed a prop picking problem in Chapter 2. [/olist]