Holy Potatoes! A Spy Story?! BETA

Holy Potatoes! What the Hell?!

Holy Potatoes! What the Hell?! is a whacky hell-themed cooking management sim where you take on the role of a chef in an Afterlife populated by potatoes!

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32565025/53b5d132e84d5ed385d84e1baa1bf412614afb98.png[/img] Hey Spudlings, Are you looking forward to the release of [b] Holy Potatoes! A Spy Story?! [/b] and would like to have a sneak peek at the game? Then wait no more, as the beta of the game is out ːsteamhappyː Simply head to our [url=https://discord.gg/ZhEVDFn] Discord[/url] and look for more info from #announcements channel. The beta will end on [b] 20th August 23:59:59 UTC+8 [/b], and you will no longer be able to access the beta on Steam, so be quick and register. [b] POTATOESSSSSSSSS! [/b]