What the Hell?! Tips and Tricks!

Holy Potatoes! What the Hell?!

Holy Potatoes! What the Hell?! is a whacky hell-themed cooking management sim where you take on the role of a chef in an Afterlife populated by potatoes!

[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30447107/538937757fb9145416a2ae3d5591370f072bc5ac.gif[/img] Spudlings! Here is a quick and dirty list of small tips and tricks to ensure you have the best time playing Holy Potatoes! What the Hell?! [list] [*]Before starting the game, head into the settings menu to see if there is anything you would like to change! [*]During cutscenes, you can click on the "Auto" button to toggle automatic dialogue advancement [*]You can hit the Space Bar or click the Pause icon to Pause/Unpause the game [*]When you first start playing, Pause the game and get familiar with the UI before sorting your sinners! [*]If your objective states you need 50 Favour, make sure at the end of your shift you have 50 favour! If you had 50 Favour and spend it on a station before the day's end, you will not complete the objective until you have 50 Favour again! [*]When sorting potato sinners, make sure you look at their Sin Values so you are always producing ingredients [*]The station tooltips will let you know the minimum/maximum sin requirements the sinners must have in order to produce ingredients Level 1 stations require sinners to score at least 50 in their respective sins to produce ingredients (The blue station requires a sinner to have at least 50 in Malice, the red station requires 50 in Pride and so on so forth...) [*]Always sort your sinners! You want as many ingredients as possible! [*]Look at recipe tooltips to know what possible grade the dish can be served at [*]For a Level 1 recipe, 2 Okay ingredients will produce the lowest grade possible dish, 1 Okay and 1 Good ingredient will produce a dish of higher grade, 2 Good ingredients will produce an even higher grade dish etc... [*]When the Research Lab becomes available, research new dishes as soon as you possibly can. You do not want a god to request a dish you don't know how to cook! [*]Using higher level ingredients during research makes dishes complete faster [*]Click on ingredients in a dish to change their level (provided you have varying levels of dishes). By default, the highest possible level ingredient you own will be selected [/list] Hopefully these tips and tricks will help you get through the first few Circles of Hell as painlessly as possible! If we have missed anything out make sure to add some tips and tricks of your own in the comments!