Hey Barbarians, the update 1.6.5 is ready:

ARENA an Age of Barbarians story

A non-stop action game, completely skill based. Immerse yourself into an incredible adventure in a world inspired by the 80s’ Sword & Sorcery fantasy. Frantic action, brutal fighting, monsters, romance, and plenty of Heavy Metal rhythms.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/28289842/37e084016352c2056c35b10313fa047717cdf76d.png[/img] We'll do our best to fix all the issues reported and update the game on regular basis. Thank you! __________ [b]ARENA an Age of Barbarians story 1.6.5[/b] - When you pause the game, instead of the pause menu the control menu popup, fixed. - Throne room, player defeated: the spanish translation was missing, fixed. - Dungeon level: If the player leave the room, the Sabertooth tiger are now repositioned. - The Witch's arena: If she surrendered, with some characters was impossible to behead her, fixed. - Sabertooth tiger's arena: SHE-RED scrambles for an invisible weapon, fixed. - Giant Apes: After killing the first monster, the music could glitch, fixed. - VS mode: Continue mode doesn't work correctly, fixed.