A little preview of the new update 1.6.6

ARENA an Age of Barbarians story

A non-stop action game, completely skill based. Immerse yourself into an incredible adventure in a world inspired by the 80s’ Sword & Sorcery fantasy. Frantic action, brutal fighting, monsters, romance, and plenty of Heavy Metal rhythms.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/28289842/c97866afe81ee198dca388aff0b12ddf914f9744.jpg[/img] Hi Barbarians! we want to share with you a screenshot of the new upcoming update 1.6.6 for Arena an Age of Barbarians story. The new update will be available from the 20th of August. And... stay tuned, because very soon we'll reveal the name of the new DLC for Age of Barbarian Ex