Learn how to draw pixel art with a video game! Start from zero and develop real art skills in a relaxing way. Complete interactive tutorials, draw pixel art sprites, and play the games you create. Everyone can do this!
[*] Color help form to request error detection on your sprite.
[*] Option to have cross-stitch symbols instead of dots to indicate colors.
Today's quality-of-life update brings a feature requested as early as the demo by people with color vision deficiency but proved necessary in general since some of the sprites contain very similar colors.
You can choose to either get one-time help that shows all the incorrect and missing pixels when you can't find a mistake yourself, or enable constant display of incorrect colors as you go along.
If able, I recommend trying to color-match palette colors with the reference yourself (to train color observation), but if that's too hard, the game is now more accessible with the possibility of changing the small color dots into cross-stitch symbols.
Here's the devlog about it as well:
Next up will be another content update as I quite like this alternating between QoL improvements and new/improved things to do in the game.