Have You Played Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3?


Marvel and Capcom join forces to deliver the most frenetic 3 vs 3 tag battles ever with Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3. This release comes fully loaded, including all previous DLC, Marvel VS. Capcom : Official Complete Works.

Despite being in the domain of arcades and consoles for decades, fighting games are now on PC in droves. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (hereby abbreviated to UMVC3) was one such fighter I never thought I’d see on PC, since its fast-paced and utterly crazy combos would never have lent themselves favourably to any device other than an arcade stick. With both Disney and Capcom liking the idea of money though, it was inevitable that UMVC3 would make it. Its followup, Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite, was a bit of a disaster, with a lukewarm roster and a tacked-on story mode that was a bloated waste of time. But UMVC3 is still worth diving back into.
