Bam! Pof! Zonk! Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 released


Marvel and Capcom join forces to deliver the most frenetic 3 vs 3 tag battles ever with Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3. This release comes fully loaded, including all previous DLC, Marvel VS. Capcom : Official Complete Works.

A further good day and SNIKT to you, one and all. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 [official site] has finally arrived on PC, five years after its initial launch. It’s a fighting game throwing Capcom characters from Street Fighter, Resident Evil, and beyond into a big hat with a load of Marvel Comics folks, then shaking the hat until they all get riled and scrap. This here Ultimate edition is the updated version which tweaked a little and added a dozen extra characters, so yes you can see who’d win in a fight between Frank West and Rocket Raccoon. … [visit site to read more]