Hart Reset: Flying Wild Hog’s Free PDF Artbook

Hard Reset Extended Edition

Over-the-top destruction, loads of enemies & a beautifully realized cyberpunk setting. Hard Reset is here to shake up the shooter scene. Try the demo now.

Every videogame would be one level shorter if train stations had never been invented. FACT

I’d be lying if I said the art of Hard Reset was the most striking thing about it – I’d be more inclined to go with ‘shooting lots and lots of robots with nice lighting effects.’ Nonetheless, it’s jolly nice of devs Flying Wild Hog to offer up a free, 137MB PDF artbook, whose 46 heavily-illustrated pages contain concept art, environments, characters and all sorts. There’s some dramatic stuff there, suggesting a distinctive world made of bits of City 17, Blade Runner and Rapture. Assorted download links below, and if you haven’t played the game yet (it evoked mixed but just about positive feelings around these parts, though I’m not sure we’ve tried the extended edition/ Exile DLC yet) it’s currently 75% offski for the complete package on Steam. In other news, Windows 8′s built-in PDF reader is just the worst thing, so definitely don’t open the artbook in that.