Hard Mode & Tri-Turret Update!

Welcome to ParadiZe

Paradise isn't exactly what you hoped for: it's infested with zombies! Thankfully, you can control them. Capture them and teach them to farm or fight. They will help you defend our camp while you explore the world looking for… a new paradise.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42625961/438d71b6262ba09e25dd3fb8ab15cf642298e257.png[/img] Hello Citizens of ParadiZe! Turns out that removed from the need to sleep, eat, and play video games, Zombot workers are effective, perhaps a little too effective. Wood, water, vegetables, you name it, we are absolutely swimming in resources. That's where the law of supply and demand comes in, you have the supply and I demand you pelt zombies with it! That's why we've come up with some new base defences to maximise damage and get rid of any leftover veggies on the plate. Party like it's nineteen hundred by pelting the incoming hordes with vegetables, freezing them with ice and snow or turn them into swiss cheese with wooden stakes. We hope you're ready to redesign your base layout to make use of the turrets added in this update. They'll be necessary to handle the new difficulty mode that's also being introduced. [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] [h2]Key Features[/h2][list][*] 3 Turrets added, defensive structures used in enemy camps that can be unlocked by gathering pieces of enemy turrets.[list][*] Wooden Gatling Gun (shoots in a straight line) [*] Snow Cannon (arcs from left to right) [*] Vegetable Mortar (fires in a circle in front of the mortar)[/list][*]New 'Hard' Difficulty Mode Added[list] [*] All zombies are now more dangerous (more HP, deal more damage) [*] This new difficulty mode can be chosen at game creation or in-game (via the pause menu)[/list][*] 2 New High-level weapons added[list][*]Katana [*] Metal Disc[list] [*] Base versions of both weapons can be found on Elites in the world with Mythical versions craftable with recipes found on Golden Zombies and Minibosses.[/list][/list][/list] [h2]Other Changes[/h2][list] [*] A Zombot Module has been added to activate only loaded turrets (allows a single Zombot to man several turrets). [*] Player markers have been added to the minimap in multiplayer [*] Clicking outside the box now exits Zombot Modules or Booster Kit selection menus [*] Improved the 'Direct Control a Zombot' skill, allowing the player to use ranged attacks and fixes an issue where the player could easily leave the game zone [*]Added figures about corresponding resource in the generators information panel [*]Added the option to pick up items by holding down the loot button[/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2][list] [*] The Zombot flee action has been improved to prevent them from getting stuck [*] The Activate order now applies to the first follower who isn't already doing a task (to avoid interruptions) [*] Changed the display mode of ground targeting VFX so that they are visible on snow [*] Multiplayer lobby owners camps are now shown first in the multiplayer menu [*] Capture process has been updated to a long press to avoid getting mixed up with weapon changes [*] Gas smoke colour changed for visual clarity[list][*] Purple = Damage over time [*] Green = Instakill[/list][*] Improved visual feedback when using the 'Tormentor' skill, especially when using keyboard & mouse as it was not visible. [*] Improved cooldown feedback on the life gauge of the 'Automatic Defibrilator' skill [*] Improved collision correction when crossing rifts[list][*] Designed to avoid falls, ensure the player doesn't jump in place, and to ensure that Zombot's follow when the player crosses the rift[/list][/list] [h3]Follow our socials for more:[/h3] [url=https://nacon.me/paradize-discord style=button]Discord[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/ParadiZeProject style=button]Twitter[/url] [url=https://www.instagram.com/welcometoparadizegame style=button]Instagram[/url] [url=https://www.facebook.com/ParadiZeProject style=button]Facebook[/url]