Happy New Year, Sales and New Project

Bottle (2016)

Bottle is a short game which you play as a man of solitude. It is about the mood of melancholy in the winter nature.

Hello Walkers! It has been a busy year. I want to thank everyone who support my games and wish you all a happy new year. As now it is Steam Winter Sale time, I have joined the sale with all my 3 games; [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/355760/]Drizzlepath[/url], [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/438340]Drizzlepath: Genie[/url] and [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/463030]Bottle[/url]. You can check out the discounts if you haven't already got the games. As for a new title, I want to announce another Drizzlepath game is on the way. It contains more variety of content with many landmarks, things to discover and also there will be decent voice acting. There will be more interaction than the previous titles. A few things left to be done with the project and I will soon submit it on Steam Greenlight. Until then, take care and game on! :btlthumbup: With love and respect, Tonguç