Happy new year agents! (Recent news)


SCP: EVENT CLASSIFIED is a multiplayer horror shooter that allows players to take on a role of a soldier, prisoner, scientist and even a monster. Fight other players or unite with them to survive in this secret facility with game sessions up to 120 players.

New Year's Eve post! Under the tree, we have now brought you: - NEW PEN SYRINGES! They relieve various side effects and also give you some buffs. [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/796442817790345246/1184579998531719249/image.png?ex=6595b798&is=65834298&hm=60e6a9a8ee07e34c056fee6412361f4a9b37a6c9243e56641e00eba18e0f9ca2&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1096&height=676[/img] - A MEGA HELMET! Seriously, it's huge. [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/796442817790345246/1184579999127314453/image.png?ex=6595b798&is=65834298&hm=e3eccf253924aed4f98ae4ab1f35eb01985c811f2c654b8ca8849f2eee736106&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=794&height=676[/img] And more animations! We now have new animations from the first and third person, now you can see how the character picks up something. Also more realistic camera shake when moving and running. + Standard bugfixes, fixing lights, new spawners and a new "rarity" parameter for loot. AND REMEMBER, THERE WILL BE A PLAYTEST SOON! All previous updates will be ready for it, but we may not have time with first person animations. The playtest date will be announced later, stay tuned for more information