🎉Happy New Lunar Year!🎉

Worlds Adrift

We're tired of endless grinding, mini-maps and predetermined fun. That's why we intend to redefine MMOs and empower our players to find their own destiny, write their own stories, and leave a lasting impression on the world they helped us create. How will you impact it and what will your legacy be?

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/10223679/a4ff5201598dba4c426d1c0fcbedefc388bdb01e.jpg[/img] Don't have a Founder friend to share a key? No worries. Worlds Adrift is now ON SALE - 25% OFF! 🎉Happy New Lunar Year!🎉 新年快乐🐷🎉🏮