Hammer, Axe and a new Dunj

Boyfriend Dungeon

Date your weapons! Romance swords, daggers, and polearms to level them up in this “shack-and-slash” dungeon crawling adventure.

We have a few updates to share as the Kitfox crew comes back from a much needed break. Ever since Boyfriend Dungeon released, people have been asking a few questions, I decided I'd get a few answers and share them with you. Here's the important bits: 1. Yes, Jonah is coming back to Verona Beach! He will be appearing in the DLC with... 2. Leah the Hammer! If you don't know her, she's kinda famous in Verona Beach because of figure skating. She is planning on coming home for the rest of the summer too! 3. There will be at least one more dunj coming! [h2]Kitfox Reflects[/h2] [previewyoutube=Q1R4b94RhgE;full][/previewyoutube] Right before launch, we asked the Kitfox team a few questions about what it was like making the game and how they were feeling right before the surprise launch announcement. It's a must-watch for anyone looking for behind the scenes trivia and game dev info! We can't say exactly when the DLC is coming or any other details for now, but we are still planning on providing regular updates on our progress! The fastest way to see our updates and to receive love letters from the weapons, sign up for our [url=https://www.kitfoxgames.com/sendy/kitfox-subscribe]newsletter[/url]! With my AXE, Alexandra + Kitfox