Boyfriend Dungeon Patch Notes (Version: 1.3.7290)

Boyfriend Dungeon

Date your weapons! Romance swords, daggers, and polearms to level them up in this “shack-and-slash” dungeon crawling adventure.

Hello Sword-Smoochers! We have a patch that addresses some of the smaller bugs from the Secret Weapons update including some localization errors that prevented non-English speakers from earning achievements. Version: 1.3.7290: [*] The final boss fight now has a new, fully-voiced conversation between your weapon and the antagonist, before the final phase. [*] Jonah, Leah, and Rowan’s birthday gifts will now all show in the apartment. [*] All shops should now always function in all languages, finally allowing non-English speakers to collect all outfits. [*] Hammer’s final date will now make much more sense in German and Portuguese. [*] Various small fixes to dialogue and localization. In cased you missed it, our last patch fixed the progression issues with Hammer. Please continue to report any bugs or issues on our [url=]Known Issues thread[/url]! -Alexandra and the Kitfox Crew!